Members Corner

Member Testimonial : ‘A home away from home’

'Coming to Karma Group Goa is like coming home' Meet Madan and Nirmala Chawla who have been members for over…


Travel Temptations July 4th

It’s time to get moving and start thinking about travelling again and July 4th is on our radar for reopenings! …

Three Monkeys : Kids Quiz

Round up the youngsters for this world general knowledge quiz. They could win an e-Scooter! [contact-form-7 id="2682" title="Edition 21 -…

Lalit Baveja

Member Testimonial – Mr. Lalit Baveja

‘Karma Kandara Resort was truly a dream destination for our family holiday.’ Another glowing testimonial - this time from Mr.…


Resorts Reopening Updates

We know many of you are itching for things to get back to normal so you can continue to travel…