Spanish cuisine is world renowned and southern Spain has given birth to some of the country’s finest dishes, thanks to the wide range of cultural influences.. Here are a few of our favourites:

Let’s start with what is arguably Andalusia’s most famous dish – beloved all over Spain and indeed the world. It’s done differently across the region, but the basic recipe is always the same – deliciously refreshing raw vegetable soup featuring tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, garlic and onion, with fruit sometimes added or a twist of mint…

This tapas dish is a delicacy of the province of Huelva – it’s made of salt-cured tuna – usually using meat from the rear of the fish – that’s filleted and then dried au naturelle using both sun and wind before being served with copious amounts of olive oil and onions. It’s sometimes described as ‘the ham of the sea’ which is high praise indeed.

You won’t have to search for long to find these grilled delights. Espetos are skewers consisting of six sardines or sometimes prawns or other fish which are cooked on glowing embers to give them a delicious fresh smoky taste, seasoned with olive oil and a little salt. You’ll be hard pressed to find a beach in Malaga that doesn’t serve them.

Ortiguillas are a specialty of Cadiz – and one of the more intense flavours you’re likely to come across in the region. These are sea anemones harvested from rocks on the seabed which are deep fried in a thick batter. They have a strong seafood flavour that some compare with oysters.

Pringá may not look that tempting at first glance, but don’t be fooled – especially if you’re a big meat eater. This is a mix of various kinds of meat that have been slow cooked for many hours to bring out their flavour – think cured sausage, pork or beef fat, roast beef and roast pork. It’s usually served on crispy white bread or toast and it’s mouth-wateringly delicious!