Tropical & Cultural

Dive into two extraordinary possibilities with Karma. Position yourself to experience the Maldives like never before with a unique opportunity to win a free or discounted trip onboard Karma Fushi. Meanwhile, be among the first to explore the newly opened Karma Bayon, where Cambodia’s sacred wonders await.

Win Big on Karma Fushi

Go on, you deserve a break. Win or lose, it’s the trip of a lifetime.

Book this incredible Hot Deal by 15 September

First Check-in Cambodia

It didn’t take long for the allure of Cambodia to entice the first Karma Members to Karma Bayon, close to Siem Reap. On 01 September, guests were warmly welcomed by Marlinde Verhoeff and the team with champagne and handcrafted Cambodian scarves which set the tone for an unforgettable stay.

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Contact Karma Concierge on WhatsApp!
We are always looking for new and easy ways for our members to keep in touch with us and we are happy to announce that we are now using WhatsApp!

Karma Concierge Bali

Karma Concierge India

We want to make sure you get the most out of your membership no matter where you are in the world, so if you have any problems, questions, queries, or anything you would like to discuss, here are some of the ways you can contact us…

Karma Concierge Bali
+62 361 762131; Toll free – Australia 1800 316 669 / New Zealand 0800 001016 / UK +44 8001026056
+62 81138217728

Karma Concierge India
Toll free – India 1800 209 1060 / 0832 6725200-09 / UK +44 8001026057
+91 7744959670

Karma Club Europe Concierge
+44 20 30975303 & +44 20 81572157

Karma Club Australia Concierge
+62 863 197 676

Karma Club Indonesia Concierge
+62 361 300 0055


  1. I am interested in joining your company. Please could you please put me in touch with the right person to contact. Thank you. Kari Burton.

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