
Membership Tips

We are 100% focused on keeping our valued members updated and informed every step of the way.  Here are our tips of the week…

  1. Contact Details – Always keep Karma Concierge updated on any changes in your residential address, email accounts &  phone numbers to receive the latest Group / membership updates, special offers etc.  Details can be updated at any time through our online “Update Contact Details” form under the Member Lounge.


  2. Group Updates – Keep up to date on the latest news & developments through :

    Karma Group Global Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/karmagroupglobal/

    Karma Concierge Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/KarmaClubConcierge

    Karma Group Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/karma.group/

    Karma Group Blog : https://karmagroup.com/blog/

  3. Entitlement status – It is always recommended that you stay up to date with your entitlement status. You can simply contact your Karma Concierge office for an up to date statement on your available entitlements. This will help you plan your holidays whenever you are ready to book.


  1. The entitlement status should be available on line, in the member section of the website so that we can access it and use it without having to make a call and then wait for the reply from the Karma office.

    1. Hi Prakash, I am pleased to advise that our Karma Group website is under continual development and the ability to check the status of membership entitlements is something we are currently working towards. In the meantime, we will forward your details so as to enable Karma Odyssey to touch base with you separately and assist with any membership related queries you may have. Cheers #ExperienceKarma

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