Staying in touch and connecting with Members has always been our highest priority. Which is why each month we now offer Members the opportunity to give their feedback via our Karma Community platform. All you need to do is fill out the survey and you will be in the draw to win a free week’s stay (for up to four people) at Karma Royal Residences at Karma Kandara, Bali or Karma Palacio Elefante in Goa, India.

Excellent property
Keep it up
The continuous approach for marketing is not required.
Need more and more vacation offer which are easily reachable in 1-2 hours from Airport via public transport.
I value future communication from Karma
We love receiving your emails with offers and competitions keeping us in touch during these strange times. Here in Western Australia we have had our borders shut since February and have only just been able to travel around our own state of Western Australia. So being able to go on to the Karma website and do some virtual travelling has been a great way to travel. Thank you
Saya berharap pemesanan dapat dipermudah dan tidak selalu full book ketika akan memesan kamar.
Saya berharap pemesanan dapat dilakukan dengan mudah dan tidak selalu full booked ketika akan memesan kamar.
Hope to win
Hope to win.
you have beautiful resorts but cannot do much during this pandemic season