Work It to the Bone!

How do you exercise your skeleton? It might sound counterintuitive, but it is actually possible to strengthen your bones – and there’s good reason to do so. As we get older, weak bones can have a dramatic effect on our quality of life and health outcomes. So how do you maintain skeletal health? As with most things, it’s a mix of good diet and exercise. 

Let’s start with diet. Our bones are big fans of calcium, which you can find in dairy and leafy greens. Many foods these days are fortified with calcium, but natural sources are always the best! Then there is vitamin D – it’s like calcium’s best friend, facilitating its uptake by your body. You can get your D fix from fatty fish, egg yolks, or simply soaking up some sun (safely of course!)

Now that we’ve got our diet down, let’s turn to training. Our bones love a good workout. Take them for a walk, a jog, a dance or a swim – weight bearing activities are particularly conducive to strong, healthy bones. Both weights and calisthenic exercises that use just body weight are catnip for your bones. 

Then there’s flexibility. Activities like yoga, pilates and stretching in general support the musculoskeletal system, increasing your range of motion and protecting your joints — all of which will pay off when we’re much older. Remember, it’s not so much about lifespan but health span! 

The key is to mix it up! Make sure you’re including bone-boosting foods in your diet and get your skeleton jumping with a range of exercises, movements and good posture. It’s never too late to start showing your bones some TLC. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s work it to the bone!


  1. Totally agree with the sentiments here – I was expecting a recommended Karma destination where all these important issues might be addressed in a fitness week’s stay – or more!

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