Outdoor Play for World Environment Day

Calling all you outdoor adventurers – Mother Nature is calling! With World Environment Day landing on 05 June, we invite you to ditch the gym in favour of nature’s playground. Lace up your hiking boots, pump up your bike tires and get ready to break a sweat out there in the wild with Karma. 

For the trail trekkers, hiking offers a full-body workout spiced up with stunning views, energising fresh air, and an aromatherapy boost from boreal and herbal scents – whether you’re in Scotland or Bali, Kerala or Scilly. Runners can kick into high gear by bounding over roots and rocks in the Bavarian Alps for a heart-pumping, stamina-building journey. And the sights, sounds and smells of the great outdoors make miles feel like metres.

Crete, Greece
Bali, Indonesia

Cycling can ramp your calorie-burning into high gear while allowing you to explore new terrain – think Bali’s undulating rice terraces or the winding lanes of England’s Cotswolds. Or make a splash by paddling a kayak or balancing atop a paddleboard on aquamarine waters off the coast of Goa. These low-impact aquatic workouts provide a serene setting for building upper body strength and core power.

At Karma Group resorts, you’re just steps away from discovering your outdoors fitness groove. So this World Environment Day, trade treadmills for trails and four walls for the great outdoors and turn your regular fitness routine into an invigorating reconnection with nature.

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