During the period of isolation and uncertainty, many people are turning to books for comfort, relaxation and escape.
It’s practically impossible to avoid stress in today’s world – especially in light of the current situation that we now find ourselves in. With an overload of information from news outlets, television and social media, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. While there are numerous apps dedicated to helping people relax and regroup, the most effective tool for stress relief might have been sitting on our shelves the entire time.
According to a recent study, six minutes of sustained reading each day can reduce a person’s stress levels by 68 percent, thereby helping individuals to clear their minds as well as to minimize bodily tension. Researchers from Mindlab International at the University of Sussex calculated the stress levels and heart rates of test subjects before observing their responses to various activities. Reading a book lowered stress levels better than all other activities tested.
Literature is also an excellent way to travel in the mind to places like Narnia, Hogwarts or even Middle Earth. In challenging, scary and lonely times books become an indispensable source of solace for a huge number of the population, and also a crucial way for us to remain connected when we are physically apart. Every week, Philip Blackwell of Ultimate Library and Karma’s Literary Luminary, is sharing recommended books to keep everyone calm and centred through the storm. Happy reading!
Read my books. I am Gregory Moore, the author of the Tilbury trilogy
‘Fractured Lives’ to delve into the world of espionage and technology.
‘The Chinese Enigma’ an ASIO/CIA view on the ‘Chinese way’ and impacts of espionage and terrorism.
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